A selection of our activities in the media, publications and projects we are involved in and other cooperations covering a wide range of topics. Click the thumbnails to read more.
A Dutch report on the conservation and popu-lation dynamics of Northern Wheatears in the only remaining inland heathland population. A cooperation with State Forestry Service and Birdlife Netherlands.
Dutch article about the condition of forests on dry soils in the Netherlands. It includes a preview of an accessible handbook to identify acidification in forest soils, soon to be released.
About the specialisation of sloths and the relationship between their success throughout evolution and their morphology. In a Dutch newspaper column.
Explaining on national radio how calcium is used in order to restore the soil quality and plant, insect and bird populations of heathland and forest areas in the Netherlands.
Dutch article in a national newspaper about the museum’s approach and vision in understanding animal’s needs in order to supply suitable measures in nature management and conservation.
Column piece in a Dutch newspaper about the number and position of teats in various types of mammals, and how these relate to their lifestyle and evolutionary background.
Dutch report about a pilot study that focussed on pinching off in birds of prey in relationship with herbicide use in the Netherlands.
Presenting our European Owl Special on Dutch national Radio. About owl anatomy, ecology and the relationships with their habitats. We included some comparisons with American owls we studied.
Report about conservation measures needed to sustain a healthy population Black Grouse in the Netherlands. The relevance of Black Grouse anatomy in this sense is included. In Dutch.
Dutch report about the potential role of nitrogen deposition in explaining contrasting trends of insectivorous birds of dry forests and heathlands in the Netherlands.
European Owl Special owls have different diets, lifestyles and habitats. Some live in the forest, some migrate to Africa and back and others can be found on arctic plains. How are these owls’ anatomies adapted to such lives?
A book (Dutch) to which we contributed, providing insights and guidelines for a sustainable approach for the crisis caused by nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands and Belgium.
An article in a Dutch magazine about the status of the local nature of the Veluwe. Main topics are great tits, sparrowhawks, nitrogen deposition and opportunities for nature restoration.
Interview in a local newspaper about our work, the origin and background of the museum and our aim to open a physical museum that can be visited by the public.
Our contribution on a winter special on national TV about mergansers, smews, teals and other winter birds. The main theme is these species’ capabilites in relationship with their anatomies.
Webinar on owl behaviour going beyond commonly known adaptations of owls, while integrating taxonomy and anatomy. In cooperation with the International Owl Centre, USA.
Column edition in a Dutch newspaper about the different lifestyles of herbivore animals related to the characteristics of their droppings.
Video by the Gelderland Province (NL) in which Arnold van den Burg explains the nitrogen deposition effects on nature and fauna of the Veluwe area.
Dutch animation video by municipality of Ede to explain why calcium was used in a project in which we were involved in order to restore heathland and forest areas.
An interview by BioNieuws, a newspaper about scientific novelties in biology, about what we do as a foundation and where we aim for.
A book about the effects of nitrogen deposition on nature and human health to which we could contribute in writing a chapter. In Dutch. Click the photo to read more and order.
Dutch scientific report on the ecological motivations in the ambition to reduce nitrogen deposition and related (im)possibilites to conserve and restore nature in the Netherlands. Published by WWF.
Dutch report on the background of acid rain and nitrogen deposition effects on forests of dry soils and their flora and fauna.
Presenting our ideas on why Gadwall numbers are booming, while Mallards are disappearing in the Netherlands. On Dutch National Radio in 2020: ‘Year of the Mallard’ by Birdlife NL.
A semi-scientific Dutch article describing failures in reproduction due to broken legs in chicks and bad egg quality in Tits on the Veluwe, as a result of nitrogen deposition.
An impression of the Bird Anatomy workshop given during the national Science Weekend at the Bastei (museum for nature & cultural history) in Nijmegen.
A Dutch monograph by Koos Dijksterhuis on the Black Woodpecker. We made a contribution by providing information about the anatomy and ecology of the species.
Talking about mismatches in the morphology and habitat degradation of Curlews on the Dutch National Radio. Part of ‘2019: Year of the Curlew’ by Birdlife NL.
An interview on how we integrate bird ecology and anatomy in our projects and our future ambitions. Published in the Dutch kids magazine of Birdlife Netherlands.
Introducing our project linking the morphology and ecology of animals on Dutch National Radio with a selection of birds in the studio!